Parting Glances

Ladymol's Review

This should be an excellent movie—it has all the ingredients. I did enjoy parts of it, and was interested enough in the characters to want it to work out. But it’s very dated now, which worries me considering it’s only 1980s (that really shouldn’t be dated, should it?). The acting is okay. So why isn’t it excellent? There’s just something off with the plot, but I’m not sure what it is. Michael and Robert are a couple almost into their 6th year. Robert works for the World Health Organisation or some such thing and is on the eve of a two year sabbatical to Africa, leaving Michael. Marty is a rock musician dying of AIDS who was Michaels first love.

The story takes place over the night before Robert leaves and the day of the trip. Nothing really happens. There’s a lot of talk, a mix of characters introduced at various parties and things.

I think the major fault of the film is that it really only has one thing to say, and in saying it it’s rather pleased with itself. It just doesn’t have the depth necessary to pull it out of the mediocre. I got quite cross with both Robert and Michael—they seem to have it all, but don’t appreciate it.

Worth watching, but not really up there in the top league.

Cerisaye's Review

I didn't know anything about this movie so I had no expectations, but I really enjoyed it.  It’s about three guys.  Michael & Robert are a couple, and Nick (a very young Steve Buscemi) who is Michael’s best friend, though he also turns out to have been his ex, so it’s complicated.  Robert is leaving for Africa, something to do with his job, but Michael doesn’t want him to go.  Nick is dying of AIDS, and Michael thinks Robert is running away because it’s easier than having to be there for him when he loses Nick. 

AIDS isn’t the issue, but living as nice, happy human beings, gay, straight or inbetween.  The movie is unsentimental and allows Nick to be angry and funny, not a victim, but determined to go on enjoying life to the end. The fact the main characters are gay doesn't matter, they just are.  As one character succinctly puts it, ‘Your dick decides what kind of sex you like’.  The focus of the story is love, friendship, and compassion.

Michael is closer to Nick, than Robert, who's more involved in his career- and possibly staying safe from the disease that's made sex dangerous.  Michael’s relationship with Nick is caring and compassionate, though clearly some of that is down to guilt over his relief that it’s not him who has the virus. 

Nick, a successful musician, is dying but he’s more alive than most people.  In one of the most moving scenes, Michael confesses to Nick he’s the only one he’s ever really loved.  Flashback sequences show them mischief-making at the Fire Island home of a queenish author whose dire sci fi porno novel Michael is editing.  Like a game of cowboys & Indians, a pair of Peter Pan characters who’ve never grown up.  And now, Nick never will.

It’s an insightful look at life & love, with realistic characters, humour and strong performances.  Robert & Michael’s relationship is sexy and playful, believable because it’s far from perfect.  Robert has the looks of a Ken doll, but he’s lacking in the things that matter most.  His trip to Africa therefore seems like an easy way out.  So there’s interesting tension.  We see Michael interact with Peter, a cute twink in a record store, clearly tempted even though he says he’s got a boyfriend.  Life must go on after all, so maybe Peter, representing a younger generation who’ve never known the freedoms enjoyed so briefly, between gay lib and AIDS, is Michael’s future.

The film though made in 1986 doesn’t look too dated, though a word processor is too expensive at $4,000!  It’s well worth checking out.  I particularly liked fag hag artist friend Joan who has the boys’ best interest s at heart.  Recommended.