Firelands - Michael Jensen
(sequel to Frontiers)

Ladymol's Review

Firelands is Michael Jensen’s sequel to Frontiers, and you really do want to try and read that one first, as most of the key characters are the same.

Set two years after Frontiers, the first person narrative of this novel shifts from John Chapman to Cole Seavey, a newcomer to the frontier. It’s an interesting device, to see John and his relationship with Palmer through the eyes of a stranger, and its gives the necessary detachment to cope with some of the more harrowing events of his sequel.

Cole is an interesting character. He refers to himself as cold-hearted Cole and the true theme of this novel is Cole coming to understand why he’s kept emotional distance from people all his life. Shown what true cold-heartedness is, he realises he’s anything but aloof.

First off, let me say quite definitely that without reservation I think this has been one of the most exciting books I’ve read so far. It’s up there was the Jas Anderson books (Freeform, Banged Up, Some Kind of Love) for page-turning intensity. I actually read this one long into the night and then felt too uneasy to sleep. It’s that good a book.

However, that’s not to say that it’s not without flaws. The frontier in this novel is not only shown as a harsh and unforgiving habitat, but as a place of mystery and ancient lore. The ancient ways were torn apart by the settlers in Frontiers, and in Firelands, the natural world kicks back. An ancient demon, woken by the destruction, seems to be attacking the settlers. Cole has the closest run-ins with it and it calls his name—ancient Indian legend foretelling that he will become its next victim. The suspense that the author sets up with this creature is quite unbearable, but I’m not sure I felt the resolution did it justice.

I did like the love story in the novel, that between Cole and Pakim (a Delaware brave). Cole arrives in the frontier, running away from an engagement. His growing feelings for Pakim naturally disturb him, but he can’t deny them. He begins an intense and highly erotic relationship with Pakim. Never explicit, the sex between them is highly charged—given spice by the intensity of the danger surrounding them.

This is quite a bloodthirsty book: the demon attacking without warning, bodies desecrated.  It only emphasises the vulnerability of these frail humans trying to combat the natural and unnatural elements. They form a hardy little band, bound together by a determination to defeat the demon and pursue their dreams to live on the frontier. They long to reach the mythical land called Firelands, which they have been told is a paradise compared to the eerie place of trees and snow they are trying to escape. Dreams might not be enough and not all of them survive to reach the promised land.

I desperately hope that Michael Jensen writes a third novel in this series. Highly recommended, especially for people who want an incredibly good adventure story where the gay elements are entirely natural, almost incidental to the main themes.

Cerisaye's Review

Firstly, this isn’t exactly a sequel to Jensen’s Frontiers. I wish I’d read this one first, because maybe then I wouldn’t have been so disappointed.  Not that I didn’t enjoy the novel.  I did.  But it’s not the book I wanted.  I can’t blame Jensen for not wanting to write the same story again.  He did a brilliant job with his first novel.  That’s the problem.  We readers get too emotionally engaged.

John Chapman isn’t the focus of this story.  Yes he’s there, together with Palmer Baxter, and faithful friend Gwennie.  But POV switches to a new character who’s not so articulate and not immediately likeable. He’s got a high opinion of himself that grates.  Okay that’s characterisation, and it works. I was hyper-critical simply because he wasn’t John.  I wanted details of John and Palmer’s life together.  Writers don’t always give us what we want. We’re told they’ve been focus of speculation in the settlement.  A tantalising snippet, when John describes how Palmer has made him sociable, taking him to community events, where they dance and meet some good people.  That’s not enough. 

It’s November 1799 and winter is setting in on the frontier.  Cole Seavey, a 20 year old hunter, arrives in Ohio Territory, partly to find rapscallion older brother, Gerard, mostly to escape an unwanted marriage back east. The settlement of Hugh’s Lick where John and Palmer live isn’t exactly prosperous.  Food is scarce and life very hard indeed.  Relations between settlers and local Delaware tribe a powder keg waiting to blow.  John and Palmer have their cabin in the woods, away from the main settlement, and  Gwennie lives nearby in her own place.

The opening is extremely gory and sets the tone for the rest of the book, a horror novel, also unusual coming out tale and story of first love.  There’s palpable menace that’s genuinely scary.  The sense of a predator out there capable of unimaginable horrors, picking off settlers and natives alike, is terrifying.  Jensen plays with misdirection and similar tricks to lull us into false security then wallops us with another slice of gore.  It’s definitely not  a book to read late at night alone unless you’re of a stronger disposition than me.

It takes a while to warm to Cole.  As he opens up to his feelings we see his posturing is cover, that he isn’t the man he really wants to be at all. The book is his journey of self-discovery, from Cold-blooded Cole to warm and vulnerable lover, unafraid to express emotions and give heart, body and soul to another man.  He wants  a home and finds it in Pakim, a beautiful tattooed brave.  When Cole is attacked by an evil spirit from Native American legend, a wendingo, he’s rescued and taken to John’s cabin by Pakim.  Cole is stirred by the Indian in a way he’s never felt before.  He doesn’t know men can be attracted to each other, and has no idea until Pakim later explains to him the nature of John and Palmer’s relationship.  Pakim, of course, helps Cole to let loose hidden desire.  This, together with Pakim’s spirituality, love of nature and strength, is what I liked best about the book. 

Jensen makes the relationship real.  No small feat when you consider the standard handsome horny white man meets beautiful uninhibited native scenario is pure porn.  If you’ve read Richard Amory’s classic “Loon Trilogy” you’ll know what I mean.  Sexual tension crackles from the start.  When they become intimate it’s achingly erotic rather than explicit.  I enjoyed the exploration of inter-racial love on the frontier, where most settlers made no distinction between friendly and hostile tribes, regarding all Indians as savages. Cole’s experience of his new feelings is done with great effect, building believably from that first unsettling encounter.  There’s a scene in which Pakim gives Cole a tattoo that did more for me than most pornos.

So, lots of good things going for a book that certainly held my attention from beginning to end.  However, I have problems with it. 

One is the characterisation of John Chapman.  Quite simply, and for no good reason, he’s not the man he was in Frontiers.  He’s weak and indecisive, prone to collapse under pressure, useless in crisis.  This is what happens to a hero who commits to another?  Sorry, I just didn’t buy that.  Jensen builds up Cole at the expense of John, and I didn’t like it at all.  When John berates Cole for cowardice in not owning up to his feelings for Pakim we see the man we know, the man of courage who lives as he chooses.

Elements felt contrived, with characters appearing/disappearing in unlikely circumstances, and over-reliant on coincidence.  John would leave Gwennie alone without protection while the wendingo attacks and kills horrifically?  In the middle of carnage and mayhem, with John catatonic and their friends in danger, Cole and Pakim take time out to have hot sex.  I loved the scene but it made me uneasy. 

Then there’s the limitation of writing historical fiction using real people as main characters.  Chapman becomes American icon Johnny Appleseed.  So Jensen has no creative control over his ultimate destiny.  Now I’m not saying anything here to give away the plot, but this has real significance to the book that rather spoiled it for me.  You’ll have to read it to judge for yourself.

Please don't be put off by my criticisms.  This IS a very good book, exciting and innovative. I have no hesitation recommending it.  I hope Jensen continues to challenge as well as entertain his readers.

Published by: Alyson Books, IBSN: 1555838405

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